To all my friends in the BSCCH and the AHCSO,
This is about our planned Rockton Car Show & Flea Market, and the decision we must make. The Rockton event is CANCELLED for 2020. Our Show Committee is terribly disappointed to bring you this news. We have been saying since March we would ultimately do the right thing for our Clubs and the public.
Of course you know about Covid 19 and all the implications that go with it. We all hear about it every day. There are some other factors too.
It is impossible to guess at potential attendance at this time.
At present, due to local health regulations, the Rockton Fairgrounds has decided to keep their public restrooms closed. So, we then need to rent a number of portable toilets and a hand wash set up.
Under current Provincial Guidelines, we are allowed only 50 people indoors which includes the vendor reps, and there are more than 50 reps. Hence the actual indoor flea market would not have room for any visitors! Then only 100 people are allowed outside. At the entrance gate attendees will need to sign in and provide their name and contact information. Everyone must wear a mask. If those guidelines do not change, Rockton is just not practical or viable.
Please consider what could happen to our clubs if some people attending got sick with Covid 19. What might it look like if the newspaper prints a story that states, “Sports Car Clubs hold Event where 20 people get Covid 19, several are hospitalized!”
So let’s put this year in our history book and look to the future. Our Committee is actively making plans for Ancaster in April 2021 and then Rockton again in October 2021. Let’s all hope that by then Covid 19 is over and we can all get back to normal. I for one am looking towards our best events ever next year. See you there!
Mike McNeely
Chairman, Ancaster/Rockton Car Shows and Flea Markets