November meeting and election


November is our Annual General Meeting and as usual will be held at Ned Divines Irish Pub on Derry Road in Milton on the second Wednesday, in this case Nov. 13th, 7 pm.

At this meeting we will hold our annual election of Club Executives and Committee heads. Come out and vote. 

Going forward, we will be returning to a slightly more formal meeting style that will include an agenda of key topics, regular reports to the members, guest speakers or presentations, member stories, club news and events, etc. Following is our preliminary agenda for the November meeting.

7:00 pm.               Social time and dining

8:00 pm.               M McNeely          Call to Order and start of Regular Meeting

8:02 pm.               M Doust               Introduction of any guests or speakers  

8:04 pm.               P Jarrett               Introduction of any new members and cars         

8:06 pm                M Doust               Announce any member car changes, for sale, etc.

8:10 pm                M Doust               Recognize any member birthdays/milestones for the month

8:15 pm                C Turl                   Minutes from last meeting if available/approval/changes

8:18 pm                G Turl                  Treasurers report or summary/approval if needed.

8:20 pm                M. Bruce              Events committee report

8:30 pm                M McNeely          Annual Election

9:00 pm                M McNeely          Announce December Meeting Event/Location/future

9:15 pm                M Doust               Any other business/discussion/topics from the floor

9:30 pm                M Doust               Door Prize/adjournment.