9/7/23: September Ravine Winery Lunch and Car Show

Hi All,
I am pleased to announce that plans for our winery lunch and car show are now complete.
Date: Socializing after 12pm, lunch served at 1pm September 14
Ravine Winery
1366 York Road,
St. David’s On. L0S 1P0

The event will be for ticket holders only in order to facilitate menu planning and preparation. Tickets are $35.00 per person for members but if you have guests visiting and want to bring them contact me.
Order Tickets by phone or online from me at:
See me at Ravine on arrival to pick up tickets, payment may be made by Interac e-transfer to my email above or a cheque payable to:
Malcolm Bruce
779 Hyde Rd.
Burlington On. L7S 1S6
Our car show will be on the premises and open to members sports cars with ballots distributed and voting for your favourite, for which there will be a prize after lunch.
I’ll look forward to another great event and to seeing you all there. Cheers